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Going Underground

A sequence of works commissioned by SALT + EARTH Festival 2023, building on my dene hole work, and shown at Brewery Tap, September 2023, alongside Joséphine Javier's  Sensitive Mapping (La carte et le vêtement) cloak.

Going Underground consists of three "holes" constructed of multiple layers of hand sewn compacted sheep wool. Embedded in each hole are ceramic pieces representing roots entwined in the shaft shapes and archaeological finds (bones, pottery shards, nails). From each hole comes rope encased in plant dyed textile attached to a chalk painted ceramic artefact in the shape of chalk chambers at a particular dene hole site. On the wall are black clay grills representing dene hole covers with mud encased ropes descending to more chalk dene hole artefacts sited precariously on chalk immersed bricks. A selection of experiments in diverse materials, including latex, wire, ceramic, birch bark, ceramic and wool, represent attempts to make tools and objects for measuring or representing dene hole shafts.

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